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Yet, the sound which echoed was not that of shattered bones, but the ringing of hardened metal. "…are supposed to OBEY!" Swinging the knuckle into the face of her adversary, contact was immediately established. "Don't be like that~! Good girls…" With a blink lasting no more than a second, the black and pink clad teenager launched herself forward with fist formed. "Ohhh, ha~pu~puu…" Expressing her disappointed, both lips gathered and cheeks bloated, the fallen heroine began to flex her fingers wildly, itching to grasp all within reach. It's not my bedtime." At arm's length, her light-pink hair danced to the wind, the white ribbon loose and torn as it, too, swayed. "I know! I'll read you one of my ultra-happy story books! I'm sure it will put you into a deep, deep, slumber~"Ĭlutching the weapon in hand, the opposing girl shot back both verbally and physically, her concentrated glare frightening to behold. You must be tired after that ordeal." Leaning forward, her pink eyes gave off an air of unease as she gazed upon a familiar opponent, giggling ever-so-subtly. It was twisted, a malicious grin which reflected one's tainted nature. One smiled in sheer delight with teeth exposed, her lustre lips stretched across her soft cheeks, but it was not an ordinary smile. Staggered nearby, people of various ages were consumed by a blackening aura, their view on the world transformed into negativity, their hope for the future seemingly crushed in their minds.

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The expansive field of flowers in which they stood slowly began to wither and die, the tiny petals shrivelling at a rapid rate before the mighty breeze dragged them into the sky, far away from wary eyes. The night was young, the furious wind howling as if a roaring beast of myth. ᕙ Rouse: 00 - Dreams End/Nightmares Begin ᕗ

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