
How to uninstall skype for business 2016
How to uninstall skype for business 2016

how to uninstall skype for business 2016

Click on OK to save these settings on your computer.ĥ.

how to uninstall skype for business 2016

In the right-pane, uncheck Automatically Start the App When I log on to Windows and Start the App in the foreground options.Ĥ. On the options screen, select the Personal tab in the left-pane. Once you are logged-in, click on Skype Settings icon > select Tools and click on Options in the side-menu.ģ. Open Skype for Business and Sign-in to your Account (If you are not already signed-in).Ģ. The simplest way to prevent Skype for Business from causing problems on your computer is to prevent the program from automatically starting on your computer.ġ. Disable Skype for Business Auto Start & Sign-in You can hope to improve the performance of your computer by preventing Skype App from starting automatically on your computer and also by Uninstalling Skype for Business.

How to uninstall skype for business 2016